Saturday, May 23, 2009

Location, Location, Location

Why are wine grapes grown in amazingly beautiful areas? Is it the grapes over rolling hills that create the majesty or are the vineyards merely an enhancement to a beauty that is already there?

One of my favorite things to do is drive the back roads at Paso Robles, Los Olivos, Santa Ynez, or Sonoma County. Although Napa certainly is beautiful, the other areas I mention are predominately made up of winding roads through hills and valleys... sharp turns... actually, quite fun... and beautiful.

For me, this adds so much to the romanticism that I associate with enjoying fine wine or even just tasting... it's almost like disappearing into another time and space.

You see, I grew up in a town called Paradise, CA... a place with rivers, trees, and - you got it - winding roads... roads that don't even have yellow or white lines dividing opposing traffic. However, for the last 25 years, I've lived in Los Angeles. Living in the city has given me a perspective on the areas where what I call the blood of the earth grows.

We keep saying that, someday, we're going to live in one of these areas... or nearby. That hope and dream is still alive and I give it over to timing as several family schedules and educational/graduational events need to coincide for the timing to be right. But, when those planets collide, we're there.

The wine is wonderful. The locations are beautiful. The experience is unforgettable.

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