Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terra Valentine

Spending time with my daughter, Serena, while enjoying a wine tasting trip through northern Napa Valley is one of the highlights of my life.  Our children grow up.  After all, that's the idea, anyway.  And, as they get older, they move on.  Time spent with them is more and more precious.

Some say the time with them as really little people who are new to this world is the most precious.  Yes, it's precious... but there are many more times during this stage of life than when they get older.  The moments together become more and more fleeting and time with them often seems impossibly out of reach except for a few stolen conversations on the phone a midst their own lives and schedules.

So, to hang out with Serena and make some new discoveries along the way as a father daughter team-for-a-day is quite an experience.  One to treasure.  A beautiful treasure.

Until a few months ago, I'd not heard of Terra Valentine.  A friend opened a bottle of their Spring Mountain Cabernet over dinner one night and, I must say, the wine was delicious.



Oh, it was very good, too.  So, I wanted to make this our second stop - and last.  I'm not a big fan of getting buzzed to the point where I cannot taste the wines.

Terra Valentine can only be visited by appointment.  They don't make a whole bunch of wine and I can truly understand how they could be inundated with tourist tasters who are more interested in sucking down a bunch of vino like they were at a party instead of showcasing their wines to folks who are more serious about what they are tasting than how they are wasting away.

First off, thanks so much to Heidi for the great presentation and wonderful hospitality.  As soon as we arrived, we were treated like friends invited into a home.

The winery is simple.  And beautiful.

We were greeted with a generous pour of Sauvignon Blanc, a very delicious and luscious wine.  This wasn't just some cheap get-to-know-you vino.  This is a statement: you are going to have a very special time here and we want you to enjoy every moment.

There was a short tour - a walk around the building and into the cellar where the barrels and mechanics of wine making take place, past the employee patio area, complete with a barbecue and a view, then back upstairs to the tasting room - more of a banquet room.

Fireplace.  Stained glass windows.  Long table.  Wine glasses.  Wine bottles.

Each person gets their own little cheese platter adorned with fresh rosemary and some locally made chocolate.
Then we got down to business.  The business of fun!

There were 6 of us in that room, besides our gracious host and wine facilitator.  (That's my term at this point.)

The Russian River Pinot Noir is... wonderful?  Hmmm... no, that's not it.... amazing?  Yes, but that's not it, either.... I think I remember saying that I wanted a room in my house to smell like the Pinot Noir.  It's that good.  This isn't a Pinot that Terra Valentine makes because, "well, we should do a Pinot".  This is a serious wine for people who love great wine.

The Amore Sangiovese is succulent and made me hungry.  Hungry for anything with some spices and seasonings and pasta and sauces... and.... and....

Then we tried two Cabernet Sauvignon's.  Wurtele and Yverdon.  Same grapes.  Same aging.  Same harvest.  Same everything except where they are grown.  Different elevations.

Different wines.  Both great.  Really great.

Serena and I kept looking at each other with these goofy "I'm having a great time, are you" smiles on our faces.  How cool is this.  How cool is this!!!!!

The tasting ended with a bit of the Estate Riesling - consistently as good as everything else.

My jaw had dropped.  What an incredible find!

What a wonderful day.

Thank you, Terra Valentine for being a part of my day out with Serena.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Cheers :)

1 comment:

  1. Indeed a great article. By the way I have a business & want gift wine club membership to my clients. One of my friends suggested Celebration Wine Club in California .He said it is one of the best wine clubs. They deliver gift in quite good manner. They wrap, pack, and ship outstanding wines beautifully without extra cost, and they enclose a card with personal message. I think it is the best idea, what do you guys say about them?
