Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Barrel tasting...

I love opening a bottle of wine... tearing away the material over the top of the bottle... unveiling the cork... easing the corkscrew in... pulling the cork out.... seeing the first coloration of the cork by the wine... is it light? dark? To me it doesn't matter; I just like to see it.

Then... seeing the liquid hit the bottom of the glass and swish and swirl as the desired amount is poured out... setting the bottle down .... and lifting the glass to my nose.... smelling the wine... sometimes just enjoying it - other times trying to pick out various scents.... then drinking...

Okay, okay... sounds a bit like wine foreplay, doesn't it?

Sometimes, it's fun just to drink the wine - enough of the romantic nuances that easily surround the experience. Enter - barrel tasting!

There's something pure about pulling a stopper out of the barrel and dropping a turkey baster into the barrel, squeezing the plastic top and sucking the wine from the barrel.... dropping it into a glass..... and drinking it.

It's a pure experience - the wine hasn't been in a truck, grocery shelf or stocking cart... it's like listening to a master recording before it becomes a CD. You get to experience it before anyone else.

Cool, huh?


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