Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm quoted on

Imagine the smile on my face when I received an e-mail from Victoria Savage at Mollydooker wines asking if they could quote me on their website!  Of course, my response was that they could use anything they wanted from my blog.  Their wines are spectacular year after year, both elegant and very fun to drink as well as being some of the most food friendly wines I've ever had - pairing well with a variety of foods - even spicy bar-b-que stuff. 

I would definitely call myself a fan and encourage anybody reading this to become one too.  Just because a wine is full of big flavor, doesn't mean it's not also complex and subtle.  For me, that's the definition of a great wine. 

And Mollydooker makes great wines.

Click here to read the quote

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, Janet here, Sparky's mom. thanks for the wonderful comments about our wines. we have just pre-released the 2009s on the website and are looking at adding some food pairings, if you have time to send me your suggestions I would be very grateful. we will send you some wines to taste as soon as we can, we will be bottling the Velvet Glove next week, and should be able to start shipping to the US soon after that. We think the 2009s are absolutely stunning, it has been a joy to work with them, we will be interesting to see what you think.
